Harry Dunn Book: A Capitol Police Officer’s Story

Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn’s memoir, “Standing My Ground,” tells a powerful story. It recounts his experience during the January 6th insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. Dunn’s account highlights the heroism of those who defended democracy that day.

Dunn, a 16-year Capitol Police veteran, is hailed as an American hero. His actions were courageous in the face of a violent mob. The mob sought to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

The memoir explores the emotional impact of January 6th on the officers. It provides a personal look at the toll taken on those protecting the nation’s foundations.

“Standing My Ground” is set for release on October 24, 2023. It’s expected to be a vital resource for understanding the insurrection’s impact. The book will also cover the ongoing fight for justice and accountability.

Readers can choose from various formats. The hardcover costs $28.00, ebooks range from $15.99 to $20.99 CAD, and the audiobook is $18.99. These options make the book accessible to readers across the United States.

Key Takeaways

  • Harry Dunn’s memoir, “Standing My Ground,” offers a firsthand account of the January 6th insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
  • Dunn, a 16-year veteran of the Capitol Police force, recounts the emotional toll the events took on the officers who defended the Capitol.
  • The book is set to be released on October 24, 2023, with a range of pricing options, including hardcover, ebook, and audiobook.
  • Dunn’s story has been praised by prominent figures, including Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Jamie Raskin.
  • The memoir is expected to be a must-read for those seeking to understand the impact of the insurrection and the ongoing fight for accountability.

A Firsthand Account of the January 6th Insurrection

Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn’s memoir, Standing My Ground, offers a gripping account of the January 6th insurrection. His narrative transports readers to the chaos at the U.S. Capitol. Dunn paints a harrowing picture of violence and heroism during that fateful day.

The Memoir’s Compelling Narrative

Dunn’s memoir reads like a thriller, drawing readers in with raw emotion and detail. We witness the surging mob, clashing batons, and cries of anguish through Dunn’s eyes. The narrative highlights the bravery of Capitol Police officers defending democracy.

An Inside Look at the Capitol Attack

Dunn’s account offers a rare glimpse into the January 6th events. His descriptions shatter the illusion of the Capitol’s impenetrability. Readers will be captivated by Dunn’s unflinching portrayal of the insurrection.

The memoir serves as a powerful reminder of democracy’s fragility. It underscores the importance of holding those responsible accountable for their actions.

“The memoir’s compelling narrative underscores the bravery and resilience of the Capitol Police, who put their lives on the line to uphold their oath of office.”

Defending Democracy: Harry Dunn’s Heroic Stand

Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn bravely defended American democracy during the January 6th insurrection. Since 2008, Dunn has served with the United States Capitol Police. His unwavering commitment to his oath has earned him widespread admiration.

The Emotional Toll of January 6th

The events of that day deeply affected Dunn and his fellow officers. They grappled with trauma and PTSD in the aftermath. Dunn’s memoir, “Standing My Ground,” highlights the sacrifices made to protect American democracy.

As a Private First Class since 2011, Dunn has received many honors for his service. These include the Presidential Citizens Medal and the Congressional Gold Medal. His actions on January 6th have made him a symbol of resilience.

Award Year Received
Presidential Citizens Medal 2023
Congressional Gold Medal 2021
Capitol Police Service Medal 2019
Capitol Police Achievement Medal 2016
Gus Heningburg Award (African American Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey) 2015
Concerned Black Men Award 2014

Dunn’s experience on January 6th left a lasting impact. Yet, his dedication to defending democracy remains strong. His story shows the bravery of those who protect our nation’s foundations.

Harry Dunn Book: A Powerful Voice for Accountability

Harry Dunn’s memoir, “Standing My Ground,” offers a vital perspective on the January 6th insurrection. As a Capitol Police officer, Dunn experienced the attack firsthand. His book sheds light on the events and the ongoing fight for accountability.

Dunn’s memoir, priced at $28.00, has become a New York Times Bestseller. As of September 8, only one copy was available. The 256-page book provides a candid account of Dunn’s experiences during the Capitol attack.

Dunn’s story has struck a chord with readers and the public. He has received numerous awards for his service and commitment to democracy. These include the Presidential Citizens Medal, Congressional Gold Medal, and Capitol Police Service Medal.

Dunn has also earned the Capitol Police Achievement Medal and awards from African American organizations. His voice has become crucial in preserving American democracy and pursuing justice.

“Standing My Ground” has been described as a “very powerful and real book” by MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan, and it has been praised by various politicians and media personalities, including Congressman Eric Swalwell, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, Joy Reid from The ReidOut, and Jake Tapper from CNN.

Dunn has served with the United States Capitol Police (USCP) since 2008. He has participated in many important events, including inaugurations and State of the Union addresses. His account of January 6th provides a unique insider’s perspective.

Dunn’s memoir shows his dedication to defending democracy and seeking accountability. “Standing My Ground” has become essential reading for Americans. It offers insights into the insurrection and the ongoing efforts to protect our nation’s foundations.

The Path to Awakening: Harry Dunn’s Journey

Harry Dunn’s memoir, “Standing My Ground,” reveals his personal journey. It shows how he became committed to defending democracy. Dunn’s story is powerful and inspiring.

From Belief in Law Enforcement to Witnessing Brutality

Dunn grew up believing in the honor of law enforcement. He excelled in local debate competitions, showcasing his intelligence. But his faith was shaken when he saw police brutality towards the Black community.

Dunn faced financial challenges in his childhood. Yet, he stayed determined to make a positive impact. He bravely confronted injustices in his community, taking personal risks.

This resolve would be crucial on January 6th, 2021. Dunn’s experiences prepared him for the challenges ahead.

“True courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to move forward despite it.”

“Standing My Ground” reflects on Dunn’s profound “awakening”. It shows how he became a voice for accountability after the Capitol insurrection. His journey reveals his unwavering commitment to democracy.

A Candid Portrayal of the Capitol Police

Harry Dunn, a 13-year Capitol Police veteran, offers a unique view of officers protecting American democracy. His memoir reveals the challenges and dedication of Capitol Police officers. Dunn’s firsthand account highlights their daily lives and experiences.

Dunn was on duty on January 6, 2021. He received a text about potential violence that morning. He watched a peaceful protest turn into a violent insurrection.

Dunn describes physical assaults and weapons used against officers. He recounts the emotional toll of facing rioters who shouted racial slurs. His story shows the extraordinary challenges these officers face daily.

The memoir provides a rare look into Capitol Police officers’ lives. It showcases their commitment to safeguarding the Capitol and democratic process. Dunn’s account ranges from handling suspicious packages to fighting rioters hand-to-hand.

Dunn’s portrayal offers insight into those protecting American democracy. His story honors these unsung heroes’ dedication and resilience. It shapes our understanding of the Capitol Police’s role in preserving democracy.

Key Statistics Details
Years of Service 13-year veteran at the time of the insurrection on January 6, 2021
Testimony Testified before the House select committee investigating the attack on July 27, 2021
Events of January 6th
  • Reported on duty at the Capitol early on the morning of January 6, 2021
  • Received a text message around 10:56 a.m. detailing potential violent plans
  • Witnessed physical assaults and rioters using weapons against officers
  • Engaged in hand-to-hand fighting with rioters on the Capitol grounds
  • Witnessed rioters carrying Confederate flags, MAGA flags, and ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ flags inside the Capitol
  • Confronted insurrectionists inside the Capitol and experienced racial epithets
  • Provided decontamination aid to officers affected by chemical irritants
  • Participated in expelling insurrectionists from the Capitol throughout the afternoon
  • Assisted in carrying an unconscious woman for CPR administered by another officer
  • Experienced emotional distress and disbelief over the events that transpired
Career Aspirations
  • Aims to serve a full career at the Capitol Police, retire, and consider a career in politics in the future
  • Decided to run for Congress after the events of January 6, 2024

The Aftermath: Coping with Trauma and PTSD

Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn and his colleagues face lasting trauma from the January 6th insurrection. His memoir reveals the haunting memories and emotional scars of those who defended democracy. Dunn’s account provides a raw look at the ongoing struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

PTSD-related books on the market today cost between $6.99 and $30.00. The average price is $22.95. These resources cover healing trauma, coping skills, intergenerational trauma, and autoimmune triggers.

Dunn’s story adds a powerful perspective to this collection. It highlights the personal toll of defending the Capitol on the officers involved.

Haunting Memories and Emotional Scars

Dunn’s account vividly portrays the trauma and PTSD experienced by those present during the January 6th attack. The book explores the lingering memories that plague the officers.

It also delves into the emotional scars left behind. Dunn describes the ongoing struggle to process the events of that day.

Dunn’s memoir counters attempts to downplay the insurrection’s severity. It reminds readers of the real human cost of that fateful day.

By sharing his story, Dunn aims to highlight the trauma experienced by the Capitol Police. He hopes to inspire others to confront the aftermath and support those who defended democracy.

january 6th aftermath

“The emotional scars of January 6th will never fully heal, but by facing them head-on and seeking the support we need, we can begin to reclaim our lives and move forward.” – Harry Dunn

Breaking the Silence: Combating Denialism

Harry Dunn, a U.S. Capitol Police officer, speaks out against false narratives about January 6th, 2021. His firsthand account helps hold perpetrators accountable and protect American democracy. Dunn’s powerful voice challenges the rampant denialism surrounding the insurrection.

Breaking his silence wasn’t easy for Dunn. He recognized the need to confront efforts distorting the truth about the Capitol attack. Dunn actively engages with media, lawmakers, and the public to share his experiences.

Dunn’s commitment to combating denialism makes him a strong advocate for speaking out. He challenges misinformation that aims to absolve perpetrators. His testimony and resolve inspire others to fight for holding perpetrators accountable and preserving democracy.

“I’m not going to be silent. I’m not going to be silenced. I’m going to continue to speak out and let people know the truth of what happened on January 6th.”

Dunn’s words resonate with Americans who refuse to let January 6th be forgotten. He stands his ground against denialism forces. Dunn has become a beacon of hope for those believing in truth’s power.

Dunn’s journey showcases his dedication to upholding democratic values. His voice reminds us that protecting American democracy is ongoing. Dunn’s actions inspire others to join the fight for truth and accountability.

Seeking Justice: Testifying Against the Insurrectionists

Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn fights for justice after the January 6th events. His testimony against Oath Keeper leaders is crucial in holding perpetrators accountable. Dunn’s efforts are vital for [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/04/magazine/jan-6-capitol-police-officers.html]seeking justice and accountability.

Holding the Perpetrators Accountable

Dunn remains determined despite personal and emotional challenges. He understands the importance of accountability for those who attacked democracy. His [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/04/magazine/jan-6-capitol-police-officers.html]testimony against insurrectionists shows his commitment to justice.

The January 6th insurrection disrupted 224 years of peaceful power transfers. Thousands participated, with some chanting “Hang Mike Pence” inside the Capitol. Fascist groups and conspiracy theorists were present, highlighting the situation’s severity.

Dunn and other Capitol Police officers face emotional and physical scars. Their bravery in defending American democracy deserves utmost respect. Their [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/04/magazine/jan-6-capitol-police-officers.html]pursuit of justice remains strong.

Seeking Justice

“I’m here to try to distill the brutality of the attack and the pain that we endured that day, and hopefully it will make a difference in the long run.”

The nation still deals with the insurrection’s aftermath. Efforts by Harry Dunn to [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/04/magazine/jan-6-capitol-police-officers.html]hold perpetrators accountable inspire hope. These actions help preserve the foundation of American democracy.

Preserving Democracy: Harry Dunn’s Ongoing Mission

Harry Dunn, a Capitol police officer, defended the U.S. Capitol during the January 6th insurrection. He’s now a powerful voice in the fight to preserve American democracy. Dunn remains committed to raising awareness and combating denialism that threatens the country’s foundations.

Dunn’s memoir recounts his experiences on January 6th. It has become a rallying cry for those who believe in democratic institutions. Through his book, Dunn shares his story and advocates for accountability.

After the attack, Dunn continued safeguarding democratic principles. He testified before congressional committees, giving voice to those who witnessed the violence. Dunn’s commitment to truth has made him a beacon of courage.

Dunn is now running for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. His campaign highlights the importance of Capitol police officers standing up for American values. Dunn has a significant fundraising advantage over his opponents.

Candidate Fundraising
Harry Dunn $4.6 million
Sarah Elfreth $1.5 million
Clarence Lam $736,000

Dunn’s campaign has resonated with constituents and gained national attention. He’s received endorsements from prominent Democratic leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Jamie Raskin. His experience defending the Capitol has made him a symbol of resilience.

“I will never stop fighting to protect our democracy, no matter the cost. The events of January 6th have only strengthened my resolve to ensure that such an attack never happens again.”

– Harry Dunn, Capitol Police Officer

Harry Dunn’s ongoing mission to preserve democracy reminds us of our political system’s fragility. His story highlights the importance of safeguarding American principles. Dunn’s commitment and truth-speaking have made him a symbol of hope.

The Significance of “Standing My Ground”

Harry Dunn’s memoir, “Standing My Ground,” offers a personal account of the January 6th insurrection. As a U.S. Capitol Police officer, Dunn shares his experience defending democracy. His book title symbolizes his unwavering commitment during a violent attack on American governance.

Dunn’s memoir goes beyond recounting the events of that day. It calls for accountability and showcases the resilience of the human spirit. The book also provides insight into preserving democratic values in the United States.

Through honest recollections, Dunn reveals the personal impact of the attack. He discusses lingering memories and his ongoing struggle with trauma. His story sheds light on the emotional toll of that day.

A Powerful Memoir for Our Times

In today’s political climate, disinformation threatens public trust. Dunn’s memoir serves as a powerful reminder of truth’s importance. It highlights law enforcement’s role in protecting democratic institutions.

The phrase standing my ground represents the broader fight to defend democracy. It’s about holding wrongdoers accountable and inspiring civic engagement among Americans. Dunn’s story transcends personal narrative to become a call for preserving American ideals.

Dunn’s courage and commitment to his oath resonate with readers. His story reminds us of the sacrifices made to defend the democratic process. It shows the strength needed to face overwhelming adversity.

“Harry Dunn’s memoir is a powerful and essential work that demands our attention. It is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and a call to action for all who cherish the ideals of democracy.” – Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi

As we reflect on the January 6th insurrection, Dunn’s memoir contributes to ongoing discussions. It offers a unique perspective on standing firm against threats to American democracy. His story illuminates the importance of upholding democratic principles.

Conclusion: A Must-Read for All Patriotic Americans

“Standing My Ground” by U.S. Capitol Police Sgt. Harry Dunn is a powerful memoir. It offers a gripping account of the January 6th insurrection. Dunn’s story reminds us of the sacrifices made to protect our democracy.

Readers face the harsh realities of that day through Dunn’s personal journey. His memoir reveals the trauma experienced by those who stood against the violent mob. It’s a call to action for all citizens.

Dunn urges us to confront the hard truths about the attack. He asks us to recommit to the values our nation was built on. His story shows that we all play a vital role in protecting our freedoms.

This memoir showcases true patriotism in action. It highlights courage, resilience, and unwavering commitment to duty. Dunn’s account is essential reading for anyone who cares about American democracy.


What is the book “Standing My Ground” about?

“Standing My Ground” is a memoir by Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn. It recounts his defense of democracy during the January 6th insurrection. The book offers a gripping narrative of that day’s events and Dunn’s personal journey.

It explores his experiences as a law enforcement officer facing police brutality. The memoir also delves into America’s political divide and its impact on officers like Dunn.

How does the book offer an inside look at the January 6th insurrection?

The memoir provides a firsthand account of the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol. It details the chaos and violence Dunn witnessed as a Capitol Police officer. His personal experiences offer unique insights into the defense of democracy that day.

What is the emotional toll that the events of January 6th took on Harry Dunn and his fellow officers?

The book highlights the emotional impact of January 6th on Dunn and other Capitol Police officers. It explores the trauma and PTSD they experienced after defending the Capitol. Dunn shares the haunting memories that have persisted long after the attack.

How has Harry Dunn emerged as a powerful voice for accountability in the aftermath of the January 6th insurrection?

Dunn has become a prominent voice in the pursuit of justice after January 6th. He shares his firsthand account with media, lawmakers, and the public. His efforts contribute to preserving American democracy and seeking accountability for the insurrection.

What led to Harry Dunn’s “awakening” and his decision to speak out about the events of January 6th?

Dunn’s belief in law enforcement’s honor was shaken by witnessing police brutality towards Black communities. This disillusionment inspired him to speak out about the Capitol attack. He now seeks accountability for the events of January 6th.

How does the book provide a candid portrayal of the U.S. Capitol Police?

Dunn’s memoir offers an insider’s view of Capitol Police officers’ daily lives. It highlights the challenges and responsibilities they face protecting American democracy. The book showcases their dedication to safeguarding the Capitol and the democratic process.

What is the significance of the title “Standing My Ground”?

The title “Standing My Ground” captures the main themes of Dunn’s memoir. It reflects his unwavering defense of democratic ideals. The book resonates with the current state of American democracy and its ongoing challenges.

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